
A list of articles contributed to books and journals.

‘Jesus the care-taker’ in Jamie Harrison and Robert Innes (ed.) Clergy in a Complex Age: Responses to the Guidelines for the Professional Conduct of the Clergy (SPCK, 2016)

‘Apostles, Deacons, Patrons, Co-workers, and Heads of Household: Women Leaders in the Pauline Communities’ in Paul Joyce and Katherine Dell (ed.) Bible Interpretation and Method: Essays in Honour of John Barton (OUP, 2013)

‘Why Produce your Own Translation?’ in Transmission, Bible Society Summer 2011

The NewTestament material in The Anglican Communion and Homosexuality (SPCK, 2008)

‘Towards a Diaconal Church: Some Reflections on New Testament Material’ in David Clark (ed) The Diaconal Church: Beyond the Mould of Christendom (Epworth, 2008). View book >

‘In Search of the Early Church: The New Testament and the Development of Early Christian Communities G. Mannion (ed.) The Routledge Companion to the Christian Church. (Routledge, 2008)

Contributions to Reflections for Daily Prayer: Advent – Epiphany 2007-2008. (CHP, 2007)

‘Diakonia in the New Testament: A Dialogue with John N. Collins’ Ecclesiology 3.1 (2006): 33-56.

‘The Use of the Bible in BEM’ in Paul Avis (ed.) Paths to Unity. Explorations in Ecumenical Method (London: Church House Publishing, 2005)

‘Remembering Rizpah’ Sojourners Magazine January 2004

‘Eden and Beyond: Images of Paradise in Biblical and extra-Biblical Literature’ New Blackfriars vol 83, no. 971 (2002)

Contributions to Leslie Houlden and John Rogerson (eds) The Common Worship Lectionary. A Scripture Commentary Year C (SPCK, 2003).

‘Exile, Ministry and the Church Today’ Modern Believing vol 44 July 2001

‘Interpreting Paul’ Priest and People July 2001

Various articles and research for the Oxford Dictionary of the Christian Church (3rd edition, 1997).

Regular reviews in the Journal of Theological Studies, The Reader and occasional reviews in Ecclesiology